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  • Trump Spends Iowa Caucus Morning Whining About Fox News

    Trump Spends Iowa Caucus Morning Whining About Fox News

    Hours before Republican voters in Iowa decide on their presidential nominee, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump spent much of his morning whining about how his once-favorite cable news morning show was covering the race. Trump’s complaints about Fox News come just days after the twice-impeached ex-president was given an extremely friendly town hall event by the network. Besides giving Trump the opportunity to…

  • The Perfect Timing of Bill Belichick

    The Perfect Timing of Bill Belichick

    We all need to reinvent at some point in our lives. Here’s what we can learn from how the legendary football coach is facing career upheaval. Say what you will about his final seasons, former New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick’s career cannot be denied. And of all the things he was great at along the…

  • A former OpenAI exec says AI could be the last technology humans ever invent

    A former OpenAI exec says AI could be the last technology humans ever invent

    Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/a-former-openai-exec-says-ai-could-be-the-last-technology-humans-ever-invent/ With Artificial Intelligence influencing the way we do business, study, interact with the world, and even cook our favorite meals, some researchers are concerned the latest AI advancements are also opening up a Pandora’s box of new, technology-driven woes upon the world. But not Zack Kass. The former executive of OpenAI, one of the…